tax planning

Making Sense of: Year End Tax Planning

There are many variables when planning for taxes, here are some tips! Remember every tax situation is different and you should contact us or your tax professional for more information.

  • Our first tip deals with income. If you are in a higher income tax bracket this year than you expect to be in next year, or vice versa, you can either defer or accelerate income into this year or next year to lower your overall tax rate.
  • If you are in the 15% tax rate or lower, you can recognize capital gains at a 0% tax rate.
  • Another way to offset your capital gains, if you have them, is to recognize capital losses to offset those capital gains at a 0% tax rate.

Every taxpayer is allowed to deduct either itemized deductions or the standard deduction, whichever is higher.

  • If your itemized deductions tend to be the same as your standard deduction each year, you may want to double up on your itemized deductions every other year. For example: Paying your real estate taxes for one year in January and then paying again in December of the same year to double up.
  • Double up on charitable contributions in one year; that way you can deduct your itemized deductions every other year and deduct your standard deduction in the remaining years.

I hope this helps!


© 2015 Matthew D. Brehmer and Crummey Estate Plan.


Charitable Remainder Trusts – Lifetime income for you, tax control now, and a gift to charity at the end

Recently, Appleton Group LLC partnered with our Firm, Remley & Sensenbrenner, to produce a brief informational video on a powerful estate planning tool called a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT). A CRT can help you accomplish three goals: provide lifetime income for you and your family, control taxes now and fund your favorite charities at the end of the trust. Check out the video below…